„In Her Mind“ – Street Artist Rustam QBic mit neuem Mural in Odessa // Ukraine

Seit Beginn des vergangenen Jahres verfolgen wir das Schaffen des russischen Street Artists Rustam QBic mit wachsendem Interesse. Unter Umständen werdet Ihr Euch an die Murals „Sailor Story“ (Perth/Australien), „After School“ (Bodø/Norwegen), „Peaceful Time“ (Washington D.C) und „Dreams“ (Shanghai) erinnern. Zuletzt verbrachte der gute Mann ihm Rahmen seiner Kunst einige Tage am Schwarzen Meer. „In Her Mind“ so der Titel des Stücks Wallart, welches der Künstler aus Russland der Hafenstadt Odessa in der Ukraine spendierte. Einige Impressionen des neusten QBic’schen Streichs in Meernähe lassen sich direkt hier unten checken. Just have a look + Happy Friday:

Rustam QBic was born in 1985 in Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. He studied at the Kazan Art School, worked with illustration, design and graffiti and taught at the Children’s School of Design. His love for graffiti and creating work in public was quickly interrupted by his love for classic painting and it didn’t take long until he replaced the letter based works with surrealist story telling pictures and characters. This new style that blends illustrative elements, surrealist imagery and distinctive color palette was first revealed at his debut solo show in 2013 at the Street Kit Gallery in Moscow. Highly influenced by life, his family, nature and books, Rustam’s work carry universal messages of love, knowledge and spirituality while constantly developing his visual language and technique.

Pictures by Denis Sidak


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