Werkzeuge aus Münzen geschmiedet [12 Bilder]
Die aus Indiana stammende Künstlerin Stacey Webber fertigt Kunstwerke aus alten Münzen. Das sieht nicht nur herrlich aus, das hat auch einen ziemlich interessanten Hintergrund:
“I became interested in making artwork which expressed the struggles of the everyday blue collar American during the economic downtown around 2005. It seemed natural with a training in jewelery to work with coins – they are small, metal, and literally represent value. After researching and making endless amounts of samples/experiments I became fascinated with older pennies (pre-1982) which are solid copper and vintage silver quarters, dimes, and nickels. Copper and silver are traditionally used in metalsmithing’s history making it the perfect relationship between concept and craft.” (Quelle|Interview)
[via Pharell Williams BBC-Blog]
Sehr geil. Auf was für Ideen manche Menschen kommen. Aber das Resultat kann sich echt sehen lassen. *Thumbs up*
Das ist eindeutig Werkzeug-Kunst – genial… diese alltäglichen Helfer sehen echt cool aus.
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