“Velké Oci” – Massive “Hidden Beauty” Mural by Street Artist Fin DAC in Bratislava // Slovakia

Der aus Irland stammende Fin DAC zählt bekanntlich seit Ewigkeiten zu unseren Favo-Artists der Urban Art. In diesem Jahr durften wir uns bereits an zwei neuen Murals der Street Art-Ikone in East Los Angeles (Resurrection of Angels 2) und West London (Lady Kinoko) erfreuen. Im Rahmen des Bratislava Street Art Festivals führte der Weg des guten Finbarr Dac kürzlich in die Slowakei. Innerhalb von 5 Tagen fertigte der Artist vor eines seiner großformatigsten Wandbilder ever, wenn nicht sorger das größte: “I’m sure it’s my biggest wall to date but others say no, but def my first time focussing on Eastern European traditional clothing, utilising a beautifully bruised and battered building facade to dictate the style of painting and receiving lots of love (and treats) from locals both young and old” so der Künstler selbst. Als Muse diente Fin Dac in diesem Fall die örtliche Schöneheit Linda Gunišová. Ein paar Eindrücke des neusten Fin DAC’schen Streichs namens “Velké Oci” (z.dt.= große Augen) aus dem Zentrum Bratislavas bekommt ihr direkt hier unten. Just have a look + Enjoy:

As stated on our last Fin DAC post, the Irish artist assured us that his street work for 2017 was about to increase… so here he is with what he thinks may be his largest mural to date. ‘Velké Oci’ was painted over the course of 5 days for the annual Bratislava Street Art Festival where he was attending along with Cart One from France and Fat Heat from Hungary. The piece continues his quest to allow the location or even the wall itself to dictate what should be painted and how and also to try and incorporate local traditional clothing as well as the face of a local girl instead of his more recognisable asian-themed work. The piece can be found at Kamanne Namaste, just a few minutes walk from the city centre.

[via SAN]


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