Tw1tter Picasso huldigt seinen Rap-Helden mit “besonderen” Kugelschreiber-Portraits

Tw1tter Picasso aka Ballpoint Papi aus Australien ist ganz offensichtlich Rap-Fan. Seinen Helden huldigt der gute Mann mit ziemlich besonderen Fan-Art-Portraits. Seine herrlich unperfekten Kreationen definieren das Gegenteil von Hyperrealismus noch einmal neu. Trotz bzw. gerade wegen seines eher spärlich gesäten Talents, wird Ballpoint Papi im Netz gefeiert und scharrt eine Gefolgschaft von fast 170.000 Menschen auf Instagram: @tw1tterpicasso hinter sich. Einige Highlights aus dem Schaffen des Maestro gibt’s direkt hier unten. Have fun:

If you are a huge fan of Drake or Nicki Minaj, these portraits might make you mad. “I’ve been drawing since I was zero years old,” Ballpoint Papi aka Tw1tterPicasso wrote on his Instagram page, and his skills are indisputable as he is the mastermind behind these unique pieces of art. The real name of the master troll is Corey and he’s from Australia. His style might look childlike at first glance and in a way, it is. Ballpoint Papi uses simple pens on any piece of paper he finds to create his simplistic yet hilarious caricatures of hip-hop artists, athletes, and other pop personalities. The hilarious artist has almost 170k followers. “The best thing about this whole thing is when people tell me how they’re struggling with life and come to my page to laugh,” he told XXL Mag. “I get a lot of people hating on my drawings as well, but as long as my page can make people having a hard time happy then it doesn’t matter to me.”

[via Bored Panda]


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