Streetart: Galloon Road Tattoo in Chicago (8 Pictures)

Hier mal wieder ein sehr besonderes Stück Straßenkunst: das “Galloo Road Street Tattoo” von Steed Taylor (der neben Streetart und Stenceling auch “normale” Tattoos anfertigt) ist ein Piece in der klassischen “Daughters and Sons Knots”-Ästhetik (einer Art Signatur des Künstlers), welches pünktlich zum Memorial Day auf die North Streeter Drive vor dem Navy Pier in Chicago platziert wurde. Dieses spezielle Artwork ehrt die ersten öffentlich akzeptierten, homosexuellen Mitglieder von Streitkräften, indem ihre Namen Teil des Pieces wurden:

“Although gays and lesbians served in our armed forces since our country began, they are unknown. They lived, worked and died in fear of being forced out of service regardless of their skill, bravery or years of exemplary performance. This ended with the repeal of DADT. “As the first generation to serve openly in our armed services, you will stand for all those who came before you, and you will serve as role models for all those who will come after you,” President Obama eloquently stated. This road tattoo honors our nation’s first openly gay and lesbian armed forces members by including their names in the piece.”

[via towleroad]


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