Street Artist Belin zelebriert das “Year of the Dog” mit Mural in Shenzhen // China
Unser letztes Feature des großartigen Street Artists Miguel Ángel Belinchón Buje aka Belin aus Spanien liegt tatsächlich schon eine ganze Weile zurück. Der gute Belin hat sich bekanntlich auf Hyperrealistische Artworks mit einer großen Portion Inspiration aus dem Kubismus von Meistern wie Dali und Picasso spezialisiert. 2016 bildete er zusammen mit Street Art’s Chrome-Master Bikismo ein Power-Tag-Team und bescherte den Locals von Río Pietas aka dem größten Distrikt der Stadt San Juan in Puerto Rico, eine wahre Augenweide in Form des Kollabo-Murals “La Joya“. Aktuell weilt der talentierte Spanier in China, um in Hong Kong eine Solo-Exhibition vorzubereiten. In Shenzhen legte der Street Artist zuvor einen Stop ein und zelebrierte das Year of the Dog mit einem standesgemäßen Mural. Pure Dopeness:
Miguel Ángel Belinchón Buje is a street artist from Spain, and on the street, people like to call him by his artist name “BELIN“. When he was a child, he applied his creativity within several areas through his own self-driven pursuit of knowledge. He sought information from libraries, museums and working at home, thus beginning his path towards being a professional artist. Later, the street became his art studio, the wall became his canvas of choice, and the paint cans in his hand became his brush. In the street art world, Belin is well known for his surrealistic painting style, attention to detail and that he uses no stencils when he creates. Very quickly his profound drawing skills and unique creativity set his artworks apart from others and his work has steadily become one of the most popular among graffiti enthusiasts and art collectors. On his way to his solo exhibition in Hong Kong, the Spanish artist stopped by Shenzhen where he quickly worked his way through this awesome new piece which is celebrating the year of the dog.
[via SAN]
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