“Piece Recuperem La Punta, aturem la ZAL” – Street Art-Künstlerin Hyuro mit beachtlichem Mural in Valencia

Unser Mural des Tages zum Start ins nahende Wochenende kommt von Künstlerin Tamara Djurovic aka Hyuro. Ihr beachtliches “Piece Recuperem La Punta, aturem la ZAL” befindet sich seit neustem im spanischen Valencia. Genauer gesagt, im Viertel La Punta, welches im Süden der Stadt befindlich und für seine historischen und traditionellen Obstgärten ist. Leider haben die Anwohner vor Ort mit Vertreibung aus ihrem Wohnraum im Rahmen des Projekts “Logistics Activities Zone” zu kämpfen, welches die industrielle Nutzung der Region vorantreibt. Der Widerstand der Anwohner konnte in der Vergangenheit zudem leider nicht verhindern, dass zahlreiche produktive Plantagen zerstört wurden. Street Art-Künstlerin Hyuro greift diese Thematik an entsprechender Stelle in ihrem aktuellen Mural-Artwork auf. Einige Impressionen ihres Werks sowie ein paar Worte der Künstlerin selbst dazu, lassen sich direkt hier unten finden. Just jage a look:

La Punta is a neighborhood located in the south of Valencia city, known for its historic and traditional orchards. Despite being recognized as a “non-developable area of special protection”, it has been victim of repeated abuses by administrations. Its natural environment and social fabric have been badly damaged by the unstoppable advance of the port were neighbors were expelled for an alleged expansion that never arrived. The “Logistics Activities Zone” project (ZAL) it implied going over their protection, expelling a hundred families from their homes, judicially and physically harassed, an assault that included an accelerated and unjustified expulsion of residents, the destruction of barracks, farmhouses, ditches, cultivated plots and the conversion of the entire area into a shameful solar that remains unused after 14 years. The resistance of the neighbors did not serve to stop the destruction of 70 ha of productive orchard, but to paralyze the ZAL. Three judgments of the Superior Court of Justice annulled the project. Recently, however, the procedures have been put in place to reactivate the ZAL Plan. The action of throwing tomatoes universally means rejection, this wall speaks about rejection to all these unbridled urban projects, predators, driven by their own interests without taking into account the life and rights of the people.

[via SAN]


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