“Boy with Sculpture” – Fintan Magee spendiert Minsk ein gigantisches Mural

Endlich können wir an dieser Stelle mal wieder ein brandneues Artwork eines unserer Favo-Künstler aus dem Street Art-Kosmos präsentieren …die Rede ist vom guten Fintan Magee! Aberdeen, Brisbane, Acquapendente, Monteleone di Puglia, Istanbul, Waterford, Saarbrücken, Borås und Savigny-le-Temple – alles Orte rund um den Globus, an welchen der australische Street Artist im vergangenen Jahr seine dopen Mural-Artworks platzierte. Soeben entstand in der Hauptstadt von Weißrussland ein gigantisches neues Mural. In Kooperation mit dem Signal Project fertigte Mr.Magee sein Wandbild “Boy with Sculpture” an der Fassade eines 12-stöckigen Gebäudes in Minsk. Einige Impressionen davon sowie einige Worte vom Künstler selbst zu seiner neusten Schöpfung, gibt’s direkt hier unten. Just have a look:

This mural, painted on a 12 story Soviet built apartment block in the suburbs of Minsk remixes and reimagines the works of three different artists. Coming from different generations in important periods of Belarussian history these artists created work aimed at depicting, imagining and shaping the future. The paintings of Yazep Drazdovich, one of the founders of Belarusian modern art and one of the initiators of the cosmos topic in world art, The soviet-era muralist and mosaic artist Alexander Kischenko and the sculpture ‘road to the future’ by Pavel Voinitski have all been referenced in this work. The mural depicts a 12-year-old boy from Minsk, carrying a bird like sculpture in his hands. The boy looks into the distance with confidence; behind him is a shadow or rift opens in the wall, through which a misty city skyline can be seen. By paying homage to Free-thinking individuals this work aims to highlight the role of creativity, art, science and technology in the future of development and change in Belarus.


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