Hong Kong is Home – Beautiful Timelapse Portrait


Der aus Hong Kong kommende Filmemacher Javin Lau schreibt über seine Stadt “I remember when I first arrived in Hong Kong almost a decade ago, I felt like I had walked into an actual movie set. It was a place that I had only seen on TV as a kid, with its strange red taxi’s, odd stop lights and driving on the other side of the road.” – und genau das dachte ich auch, als ich neulich für einen kurzen Zwischenstop hier Halt machte. Sofort kam mir die Idee, einen Kurzfilm, quasi ein Städteportrait von dem zu machen, was ich im Rahmen meiner knapp dreistündigen Sightseeing-Tour sehen werden würde. Sehr schnell fiel mir dann aber auf, dass das völliger Quatsch sei, weil ich in dieser kurzen Zeit niemals sowas wie das hier hinbekommen würde. Statt meines Amateur-Footages gibt es also jetzt mal etwas Ordentliches von, aus und über Hong Kong – eine Wahnsinns-Stadt:

“My intent with this project was to illustrate the grandeur of Hong Kong that most people would never get to see. When I had recently watched the movie Oblivion, it had somehow starkly reminded me of Hong Kong, with the feeling of being so insignificantly small – almost irrelevant to my surroundings. Hong Kong is an unbelievably dense city, where much of the world can be accessed at your fingertips. But in a city where you can access the material world in a matter of seconds, it also has the ability to isolate you from the 8 million people around you as well. With this piece, I hope that you are able to engage in this contradiction.”







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