Supermodels Pose Like Living Dolls for Vogue Paris (12 Pictures)
Für die Dezember/Januar Ausgabe der französischen Vogue hat Fotograf Giampaolo Sgura Supermodels in Boxen verpackt, welche im Spielzeugfachhandel in der Regel Barbie-Pupen beherbergen. Gehüllt hat der Italiener die Models Magdalena Frackowiak und Elisabeth Erm in ihrem ungewohnten, mit jeder Menge Accessoires bestücktem Umfeld, in aktuelle Kollektionen von Luxury Brands wie Dior, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Ralph Lauren oder Valentino. Die Ergebnisse des Shoppings haben wir direkt hier unten. Just have a look:
For the december/january 2015 issue of vogue paris, italian photographer Giampaolo Sgura has staged supermodels Magdalena Frackowiak and Elisabeth Erm as living dolls. Enclosed in barbie-like boxes, the fashion stars are surrounded by colorful shoes, props, embroidered bags and an array of outfit changes, creating a completely couture environment for each mock-plastic lady. The current collections of Valentino, Miu Miu, Fendi and Moschino are among twelve international high-fashion brands featured in the seemingly miniature display cases. The luxury items are delicately pinned and hung to the surrounding walls, fixed against stunning wallpapered backgrounds.
[via designboom]
Excellent !