Streetart meets Poetry: Poems on Billboards by Robert Montgomery (12 Pictures)

Guerilla Poetry: der schottische Künstler Robert Montgomery nutzt große Billboards, um auf seine Kunst aufmerksam zu machen – und dabei handelt es sich numal um Poesie statt um Malereien. Derzeit und noch bis zum 25.02. werden Montgomerys gesellschaftskritischen Werke im Londoner KK-Outlet ausgestellt, wer da ist, schaut es sich an, der Rest guckt hier:

„I wanted to convey that our current very narrow and extreme version of Capitalism, which is based on over-simplified Reaganomics and relies on the wealth of the investment banking class “trickling down” to everyone else instead of investing in free healthcare and free education, which we could do very painlessly, is a historical mistake. And I wanted to convey that Occupy is good and positive and should be listened to and not marginalised.“

[via ASV]


5 Antworten zu “Streetart meets Poetry: Poems on Billboards by Robert Montgomery (12 Pictures)”

  1. Sebastian sagt:

    Tolle Idee, schön umgesetzt. Kunst wie sie sein sollte!

  2. WOW… Thanx 4 sharing stuff like this…

  3. […] More pics and info here. Share this:Like this:LikeBe the first to like this post. 18 Feb This entry was published on February 18, 2012 at 9:00 am. It’s filed under Art, Inspiration and tagged art, montgomery, robert, street. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. […]

  4. […] Wonderful street art poetry from Robert Montgomery. More here. […]

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