“Nitpicking” – New Photorealistic Mural by Street Artist Lonac in Rijeka // Croatia
Der junge Street Artist Lonac aus Kroatien ist bekannt dafür, dem Betrachter mit seinen überwiegend fotorealistisch daherkommenden Murals, kleine Geschichten zu präsentieren. Der talentierte Mann ist überwiegend in seiner kroatischen Heimat und Europa aktiv. Beeindrucke Lonac-Murals aus Zagreb, Bristol und Cassino haben wir Euch an dieser Stelle bereits präsentiert. Auf Einladung des Spajalica Public Art Project fand sich Lonac kürzlich in Rijeka, einer kleinen Hafenstadt an der Kvarner-Bucht in Kroatien, ein. Der Künstler Sebas Velasco war dort in diesem Jahren ebenfalls aktiv. Mit seinem neusten Streich names “Nitpicking” stellte Lonac seinen Status als „Photorealistic Maestro“ der Urban Art-Szene mal wieder unter Beweis. Just have a look + Enjoy:
Croatian artist Lonac recently visited coastal town of Rijeka to participate in the ongoing Spajalica public art project by the local Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. After working 7 long days on a wall measuring 8x4m, Zagreb-based artist completed one of his most impressive photorealistic pieces so far, inspired by the local ship building industry history. “Nitpicking” is depicting an elderly man (artist’s father), working on an antique sailboat model. As a big fan of classic painting, and a schooled painter, Lonac prepared the reference photo himself, creating the right aesthetic for the image. Armed with nothing but a photograph and some 100 spray cans, he worked his way around this challenging image, creating a real masterpiece of photorealistic muralism. The piece has a bit of personal significance for the artist as well – his father actually created a similar model years ago, based on plans he bought in Rijeka. But also, the image of a punctilious man patiently working on tiny details of his creation is a self reflection about his dedication to creating art.
[via SAN]
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