New Yorkers Web Series – Steve Powers // Joshua Alpert (2 Clips)

Vor ein paar Tagen haben wir Euch die neue Web-Serie „New Yorkers“ vorgestellt, Moonshot Productions war/ist im Big Apple unterwegs, um interessante Menschen zu treffen und zu portraitieren. Heute geht es in die nächste Runde, ich habe hier die beiden neuesten Folgen für Euch. Zum einen gibt es einen Besuch beim „Studio Gangster“ Steve Powers (Autor des Buches „The Art of Getting Over“) in seinem 465qm-großem Laden in Downtown Brooklyn und zum Anderen gibt es mit Joshua Alpert einen Rabbi, einen jüdischen Musiker und Erzieher. Gute Unterhaltung:

Steve Powers – Studio Gangster:


„I’ve known Steve Powers for years and he never fails to impress or surprise. I told him that we wanted to do a New Yorkers feature on him and he told me to come to a new address in Brooklyn that I’ve never been to. When I arrived, I was surprised to see that he had set up shop in a 5000 square foot space in downtown Brooklyn. Even more intriguing, but in character for Steve, was that he had somehow convinced some community board to provide this space to him for free. Like the title of his book, Steve is a master of “The Art of Getting Over”.“

Joshua Alpert – Rabbi:


„Rabbi Joshua Alpert, aka „Mr. Shabbos,“ is a Jewish musician and educator in New York. A firm believer in marching to the beat of one’s own drum, he has taken to the street to perform his own style of Jewish music that incorporates elements of bluegrass, country, and Irish folk. Though his jovial personality and spiritually unconventional music raise eyebrows in the Orthodox community that he calls home, he’ll tell you that if you care about what people think about you, you’re never going to get the job done.“


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