MC Winkel’s Syndrome

Kennt Ihr Eure Krankheit?! Einfach Euren Namen eingeben und mehr erfahren! Inklusive Heilungsvorschlag. So wie es aussieht muss ich wohl üben. Nur was?

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
MC Winkel’s Syndrome
Cause: mosquito bite
Symptoms: steam whistling from ears, clicking sounds, tentacle growth, receding gums
Cure: exercise
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:


3 Antworten zu “MC Winkel’s Syndrome”

  1. Ehren sagt:

    I thought as much. You are suffering from
    Ehren’s Syndrome.
    Cause: early mornings
    Symptoms: mild slow heartbeat, paranoia, vague delusions
    Cure: drink lots of water

  2. Der Doc is inkompetent! sagt:

    Cause: sexually transmitted
    Symptoms: frequent extra ribs, excessive tunnel vision, American accent
    Cure: Kryptonite

  3. com point veiw

    Description of com point veiw.

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