“In A Split Second” – Visuelles Fernweh aus den beliebtesten Metropolen der Welt

Kultur, Energie und das einzigartige Gefühl von weltbekannten Metropole durch nur einen einzigen, visuellen Impuls zu erfassen?! Klingt ziemlich unmöglich! Die britischen Reisespezialisten von “The Big Domain” haben sich mit einem großartigen Fotoprojekt namens In A Split Second ganz genau an diesem Unterfangen versucht. Die Städte New York City, Istanbul, Tokio, Moskau, Mexiko City, Kairo, Hong Kong, London, Delhi und Sydney werden uns hier in grandiosen Multilayered Photos präsentiert. Der verantwortliche Luke Doyle ließ dazu verlauten: “These images were inspired by long-exposure photography, which is used to show the trail of people and vehicles. It’s what usually gives an image the feeling of motion. We wanted to do something similar, but combine more aspects of a city that can’t necessarily be captured in one frame. That’s when we decided to combine multiple images to convey the buzz of the city. We selected the subjects to look as natural as possible. The architecture, colors, and lighting were also consciously chosen to suit each individual city. You might have never considered traveling to Hong Kong, but after seeing the vibrancy of the city ‘in a split second’ — maybe you’ll want to visit in person!” Direkt hier unten bekommt Ihr ein wenig visuelles Fernweh …in a split second:

When you think of big cities around the world, what are some of the elements you think of? Stunning architecture, crowded streets, museums, massive billboards, and fashion-forward commuters perhaps? Oh, and, of course, tourists taking photos of it all. These are just a few of the things a photo series created for travel site The Big Domain depict in its project that celebrates cities by showcasing them “in a split second.”

[via aplus]


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