Graffiti: „Dream On Him“ – New Face Merging Piece by iNO (Clip)


Neues, großartiges Artwork vom aus Athen kommenden Graffiti-Artist iNO, der bereits seit 13 Jahren als Writer unterwegs ist. Er hat seinen Stil permanent weiterentwickelt und zeigt in diesem Video für Fatcap, wie er in kürzester Zeit zwei Gesichter in einem fotorealistischen Stil ineinander verschmelzen lässt. Die Musik dazu kommt von Bassnectar, der Track heisst „Boombox“ (ein Remix vpon Datsik) – enjoy:

In this video you can see the abstract depictions in the forms of a photo realistic design. Art from a graffiti writer’s perspective should be fast and effective. Fatcap spray caps are commonly used for covering large areas quickly but their flow has more to show. (…) iNO has been a graffiti writer since 2000. The earlier years he produced mostly letters and bombing but after 2008 he focused in developing his style in characters. He studied Fine Arts and is active as a street artist. He is working constantly to evolute his spray painting technique and produce large scale murals.






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