“Corp Gear” – Tom Galle aus NYC macht bekannte Marken-Logos zu Waffen
Künstler Tom Galle aus New York City ist bekannt für die Thematisierung von Popkultur in seiner Kunst. Für die Artworks seiner aktuellen Reihe “Corp Gear” ließ sich der kreative Mann aus dem Big Apple von den Logos bekannter Global-Player wie Nike, McDonalds, Facebook oder Mercedes-Benz inspirieren. Bei Herrn Galle werden daraus unter anderem Schlagringe, Messer, Brecheisen oder Wurfsterne…
It’s no secret that people love carrying famous logos around on their clothes, shoes, bags, and more. But what if those corporate symbols we all know and love came in a shinier, more lethal handheld form? New York-based artist Tom Galle is well-known for his interpretive, boundary-pushing art, and he’s continuing his creative commentary on pop culture with his latest project, Corp Gear. The edgy undertaking sees him turning some of the most prevalent brand logos into sleek pieces of weaponry, including knives, brass knuckles, and even throwing stars.
[via BP]
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