Boring Neighborhood Watch Signs Pimped With Movie And TV Characters (8 Pictures)


In den USA und Kanada ist es durchaus üblich, potentielle Gesetzesbrecher mittels Beschilderung darauf hinzuweisen, dass in bestimmten Gegenden Polizei und Bürger besonders genau hinschauen, ob sich sich jemand verdächtig macht. Ziel dieser partiell freundlichen Hinweise ist es, Verbrechen bereits im Vorfeld zu unterbinden sowie Bürger gegenüber kriminellen Handelns zu Sensibilisieren. So die Theorie. Da diese Schilder ob ihres eher unauffälligen Daherkommens unter Banditen nicht immer auf die allergrößte Aufmerksamkeit stoßen, schritt Künstler Andrew Lamb in seiner Heimatstadt Toronto/Kanada zur Tat. Er pimpte die langweiligen Blechschilder einfach, aber effektiv mit Postern bekannter Film und TV-Helden wie Bruce Willis, Scully und Mulder aus Akte X oder Bill Cosby auf. Wer bitteschön möchte denn ernsthaft unter den Augen Bill Cosbys ein Verbrechen begehen? Einige der Schilder aus Toronto findet Ihr gleich hier unten. Viel Spaß:

Artist Andrew Lamb updated Toronto’s “neighborhood watch” signs to make them noticeable again and maybe even more effective. The signs are scattered around the area warning potential criminals that, in theory, no one is going to let them get away with their troublemaking. But the problem is the signs have been there forever and everybody is used to the, so they essentially mean nothing. Add to that, that the original white-on-white logo was nondescript and boring in the first place. But not anymore. With his edits to the signs, Lamb reminds passersby, whether potential rabble-rousers or not, that this neighborhood really is being watched by Bruce Willis, Scully & Mulder, Bill Cosby and more.







[via twentytwowords]


2 Antworten zu “Boring Neighborhood Watch Signs Pimped With Movie And TV Characters (8 Pictures)”

  1. Laurie H. sagt:

    Well, I agree the signs enriched the streets of the city, and it is pretty cool to live in a town guarded by such amazing superheroes! Buffy is actually placed right across from my house. It was a very nice gesture of the author to make the streets safer and to warn the potential criminals from wrongdoing. Given that the old faded signs were practically invisible, it was a good job of him to make them more effective again. This kind of vandalism may actually discourage other vandals from doing the damage in Toronto. Which I appreciate a lot.

    However, what I don’t agree with in this article is that Toronto neighbourhoods are boring. Not true at all. The signs were kind of boring or rather forgotten but the neighbourhoods themselves are vivid, beautiful and full of summer activities these days. I can’t help it, I am a strong local patriot! Look for yourselves
    Toronto Neighbourhoods.

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