Awesome 4K Timelapse of Noctilucent Clouds Above Denmark
Leuchtende Nachtwolken aka Noctilucent Clouds zählen tatsächlich zu den beeindruckenderen Naturschauspielen, welche sich zeitweise über unseren Köpfen bestaunen lassen. Sie erscheinen in der Regel in einer Höhe von 80 bis 85 km und bestehen aus besonders kalten, klaren Eiskristallen oberhalb der Mesosphäre in der Mesopause… bei absolutem Temperaturminimum der Erdatmosphäre. Zu sehen gibt’s das herrliche Himmelsphänomen überwiegend in der Dämmerung von Sommermonaten, kurze Zeit später dann mit Sicherheit auch in Euren Instagram-Streams. Adrien Mauduit hat im Juli diesen Jahres einige Noctilucent Clouds im dänsichen Odsherred/Sjælland festgehalten und lässt uns nun in Form eines wirklich sehenswerten 4K Timelapse-Clips an seinem Erlebnis teilhaben. Enjoy:
On the nights of the 12-13th and 13-14th of July 2016, Denmark has witnessed two very powerful and bright Noctilucent cloud shows in a row. Adrien Mauduit captured these noctilucent clouds in a an awesome 4K time-lapse clip.
I have been up all night to try and capture a maximum of detail and information to understand their dynamic and how they evolve. I must say they are very complex, but these events showed something very interesting. Even though they don’t behave the same as storm cells do, the NLC event of the 13-14th of July made me realize they somehow do anyway. I thought they were just a ’sheet‘ of ice particles, but they are way more elaborate than that. It is hard to see inside the clouds, but you can definitely notice when they are transparent enough (you can see the stars) or when they build up as several sheets or system. On some wide angle scenes, you can see the system building up and rising from the cell (the top clouds are faded, dimmer and have another color than the brighter clouds below). At the end of the event, the system seems to expand outwards to eventually be visible above our heads (it might have to do with the fact that the sun is getting closer and closer up to the horizon and can illuminate further. – Adrien Mauduit
[via klonblog]
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