“A Dog’s Life” – Alicia Rius visualisiert Persönlichkeiten von Hunden mit Alltagsgegenständen

Hundebesitzer werden es bestätigen – unsere vierbeinigen Freunde verfügen, genau wie wir Menschen, zweifelsfrei über ganz eigene Persönlichkeiten. Fotografin und langjährige Tierliebhaberin Alicia Rius hat mit ihrem Projekt “A Dog’s Life” versucht, genau diese persönlichen Identitäten zu visualisieren. Und zwar mit persönlichen Gegenständen aus dem Alltag ihrer Hunde-Protagonisten, welche deren Charakter besonders gut beschreiben. “The objets that ‘go with’ each dog truly exemplifies who the dog really IS. Using the dog’s belongings allowed me to go deeper into the life of the dog, and opened my eyes into his real world” ließ Rius zu diesem großartigen Projekt verlauten. Direkt hier unten lassen sich ein einige Highlights aus besagter Reihe in Augenschein nehmen. Just a have a look + Enjoy:

Dogs, like humans, have their own personalities and identities. Photographer and long-time animal lover Alicia Rius shot A Dog’s LifeA Dog’s Life, a series featuring dogs and the items that define their personalities. By speaking with the owners of several dogs, Rius was able to match the dog’s possessions with their lifestyles. Photographed next to their chew toys, the garbage they ate as scavenger dogs, their various frisbees and medals, their medications for various ailments, their clothes or beauty products, Rius smartly draws visual parallels from portrait to belongings – an amazing series that brings us closer to a dog and his world.

Photographer, Prop Buyer & Stylist: Alicia Rius
Prop Stylist Assistant: Emily Baker
Digital Technician & Lighting Assistant: Alex Kapustin
Animal Handler: Rachael Green (Hollywood Animals)
Studio: Rig Studio L.A

[via Fubiz]


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