“Are you really my friend ?” – Photographer Takes Portraits Of Her Facebook Friends In Their Homes (10 Pictures)

St.Louis – Missouri

Die Fotografin Tanja Hollander aus Auburn/Maine hat sich in den letzten 3 Jahren auf Reisen um die Welt begeben, um Teile ihrer unzähligen Facebook-Freunde in ihren heimischen 4 Wänden zu besuchen und zu portraitieren. Wir haben hier unten einige Beispiele dieses interessanten Projekts der 42 jährigen, von ihren den Stationen bei Freunden in New York, San Francisco, Paris, London, Athen oder Berlin für Euch. Viele weitere Bilder der fortlaufenden Reihe “Are you really my friend?” findet Ihr darüber hinaus hier. Enjoy:

Photographer Tanja Hollander has always wondered if social media has changed the way people define friendship. After constantly communicating with her friends online via Facebook, Hollander wanted to find out if their relationship would be affected if she happens to meet them in real life. To satiate her curiosity, Hollander spent the last three years working on her project, ‘Are You Really My Friend’. She visited her Facebook friends around the world, and photographed them in their homes.

Sunnyvale – California

Washington – DC

Are_you_really_my_friend_Photographer_Takes_Portraits_Of_Her_Facebook_Friends_In_Their_Homes_Albany_New York_2014_04
Albany – New York

Berlin – Germany

London – England

Paris – France

Athen – Greece

New_Orleans – Louisiana

Brooklyn – New York
[via designtaxi]


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