“Where’s my Batman?!” – New Photorealistic Mural by Street Artist Lonac in Zagreb // Croatia


Der junge Street Artist Lonac aka “Photorealistic Maestro” aus Kroatien ist bekannt dafür, dem Betrachter mit seinen überwiegend fotorealistisch daherkommenden Murals, kleine Geschichten zu präsentieren. Dem diesjährigen “Proljetno Prašenje”-Graffiti Festival in seiner Heimatstadt Zagreb steuerte der Artist kürzlich mit “Where’s my Batman?!” ein ziemlich dopes Artwork bei. Inspiration zu dem Mural, welches über einen Zeitraum von 2 Wochen entstand und Spielfiguren wie Spiderman, King Kong, einen LEGO-Trooper sowie ein Ninja Turtle featured, fand der Künstler in der eigenen Kindheit. Die Geschichte zum Artwork visualisierte Lonac im unteren Bereich des Bildes sogar in Textform:

“As a kid I thought my toys came alive when I left the room. Sometimes I would line them up in comfortable positions on my shelf: Spider-Man, Robot Limenko, King Kong, Lego Trooper, T-Rex, Batman and Ninja Turtle. I would memorize that order and their postures then leave the room. As I grew older I realized this was silly… but …wait… Where’s my Batman!?”

Lonac recently took part in a “Proljetno Prašenje” graffiti festival in his hometown of Zagreb, Croatia. The young artist created another stunning photorealistic piece that is reflecting his life, in this particular case, his childhood and pop culture. Croatian artist that is known for his impeccable surrealist photorealistic murals, took a bit different approach to work with his recent piece “Where’s my Batman!?”. He setup his childhood toys in a nice composition and painted this unusual still life piece reminiscing about his early days. The piece took about 2 weeks to finish.









[via SAN]


Eine Antwort zu ““Where’s my Batman?!” – New Photorealistic Mural by Street Artist Lonac in Zagreb // Croatia”

  1. Fantastic Artwork by Lonac . This guy is fantastic ! I wrote also something about him on my blog https://streetart360.net/2016/12/23/lonac-talented-croatian-street-artist/

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