Timeless Truth x Sean Price – “Hardbody Karate” (Video)

Timeless Truth Sean Price Hardbody Karate Video WHUDAT

Gestern hätte Sean Price (gefeatured) seinen 44sten Geburtstag gehabt, wenn er nicht tragischerweise im August des letzten Jahres verstorben wäre. Als Widmung hat Timeless Truth zusammen mit Dallas Penn einen Tune namens “Hardbody Karate” gedropt (Sean Price war ja der Erfinder des Hardbody Rap, ftwdk), welches auf dem Album “Cold Wave” gefeatured ist. Timeless Truth sagt über diese Nummer: “We’re celebrating the life of our brother Sean Price today. Happy B-day, slum. We’ll continue to wave the P! flag high in everything we do.”. Dem habe ich nichts hinzuzufügen – Pöööy!

“Yesterday (17th of march) was much more than simply Saint Patrick’s Day, and way more than just a reason to get slathered on booze while clad in green. March 17th also marks the birthday of Sean Price, who would have been 44 this year. To celebrate his life, Timeless Truth — with some help from Dallas Penn — reveal a video for their collaborative track “Hardbody Karate,” which is featured on their album Cold Wave.”


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