“Sea Walls: Murals for Oceans”: New Artworks by Street Artist Fintan Magee, Phlegm, Faith47, Alexis Diaz + more in Cozumel // Mexico
Fintan Magee – “Tribute to traditional fishing techniques”
Nicht nur in Miami haben sich im Rahmen der Art Basel 2015 kürzlich zahlreiche Ikonen der Urban Art-Szene versammelt. Auch auf Cozumel, eine der östlichen Küste der mexikanischen Halbinsel Yucatán vorgelagerten Insel, trafen im Rahmen des “Sea Walls: Murals for Ozeans“-Projekts zahlreiche, namenhafte Street Artists zusammen, um gemeinsam mit ihren sehenwerten Artworks auf wichtige Themen wie beispielsweise die bedenkliche Entwicklung von Küstengebiete, Finning, Kunststoffverschmutzung der Meere oder die notwendige Erhaltung von Korallenriffen und Riff-Arten aufmerksam zu machen. Unter anderem waren Artists wie Fintan Magee, Phlegm, Faith47 oder Alexis Diaz vor Ort und erstellten insgesamt 35 beeindruckende Mural. Direkt hier unten findet Ihre unsere Top-12 der Sea Walls von Cozumel. Just have a look + Enjoy:
Sea Walls: Murals for Oceans is a ground-breaking street art project and the first movement of its kind, helping to save our seas via public art and activism—artivism. After a whole year of preparation the festival took place in Cozumel, Mexico. Over 50 world class artists from across the globe featured the festival, including: Zio Ziegler, Christopher Konecki, Kai’ili Kaulukukui, Ever, Curiot, Fintan Magee, Phlegm, Seher One, Smithe One, Caratoes, NEWS, Jason Botkin, Tristan Eaton, Faith47, Alexis Diaz, Franco Fasoli Jaz, Cyh Jason, Tatiana Suarez, Hueman, Cryptik, just to mention a few. All these artists beautified the island of Cozumel with 35 amazing murals, portraying important topics such as coastal development, shark finning, plastic pollution and the preservation of coral reefs and reef species, while they brought education, connection, and inspiration to the community.
Phlegm – “Destructive Fishing Practices”
Kai’ili Kaulukukui – “Shark conservation”
Franco Fasoli / Jaz – “Shark Finning”
Alexis Diaz – “Ocean Exploration / Undiscovered Species”
Faith47 – “Plastic Pollution”
Bicicleta Sem Freio – “Plastic Pollution”
Christopher Konecki – “Coastal Development”
Ever – “Coastal Dependency on Oceans”
Hueman – “Tribute to American marine biologist, explorer, author, and lecturer, Dr. Sylvia Earle”
Meggs – “Coral Bleaching and acidification based on a pie chart of the percentage breakdown of the planet’s coral reef systems that are healthy, threatened, and have already been destroyed”
Aaron Glasson – “Dolphin Captivity and the Importance of Keeping Animals in the Wild”
[via SAN]
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