Great Exploration Mashups of Famous Brands & Paintings by Davide di Napoli
Der italienische Art-Director Davide di Napoli geht in einer aktuellen Serie der Frage nach: “What if Paintings had Headlines?” In einer Reihe Illustrationen werden hier Werke von Meistern wie Caravaggio, Grant Wood oder Pere Borell del Caso mit bekannten Slogans von Nike, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s oder Apple gemashed. Die bekannten Gemälde bekommen nach dem Treatment des kreativen Mailänders einen durchaus unterhaltsamen und kurzweiligen Twist verpasst. Kuckt doch mal:
When an art director asks himself “what if paintings had headlines?”, the result is these ingenious and surprising mashups. Based in Milan, Davide di Napoli created this collaborative project in which he makes masterpiece paintings meet today’s brands. In this project, Caravaggio meets Nike, Coca-Cola greets Grant Wood and Pere Borell del Caso joins Apple. These mashups change the meaning of the original paintings with humour and give us a new take on historical artworks.
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