‘Engeika’ – Das erste Mural von Street Art-Ikone Fin Dac in Berlin

New Fin Dac, y’all: Einer unserer absoluten Favo-Artists der Urban Art beschert uns mal wieder ein brandneues Piece. Und zwar in deutschen Gefilden! In einem Berliner Hinterhof in der Köpenicker Straße lässt sich seit neustem ein Piece aus der Fin Dac‘schen ‘Hidden Beauty’-Reihe bestaunen. Direkt hier unten gibt’s ein paar Bilder des Artworks namens Engeika. Dopensen:

It’s been a summer of firsts for Fin DAC. Following on from his virgin foray to Mexico, Fin DAC went back to one of his favourite haunts, Berlin, to paint (surprisingly) his first ever large mural there. And, as he has been doing more and more over the years, this one was much more about the integration of the art to the building and vice-versa. Engeika is the end result: an imposing blend of architectural elements, surroundings and art. Found in a secluded courtyard on Kopenicker Strasse, the full length geisha in sumptuous orange robe is still hard to miss although, at first glance, you may struggle to tell whats real and what’s not.

[via SAN]


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