“Domestic Bliss” – Family Photography: Mother of Two takes darkly humorous Photos (12 Photos)


“Domestic Bliss” oder eben “Häusliche Glückseligkeit”, so nennt die aus New York kommende Fotografin und ehemalige Schauspielering und Tänzerin Susan Copich ihre herrliche Fotostrecke. Auf die Idee gekommen ist die Mutter zweier Töchter, als sie nach Jahren des Fotografierens festgestellt hat, dass sie selbst auf so gut wie keinem Foto vertreten war. Sie selbst sagt über dieses Projekt:

“If you’ve met me, I have a very seemingly sunny disposition, but I have a whole interior world where at different times I’ve felt depression and angst. For many years, I put it in a little ball, and I decided to just explore it this time. It’s been so fun to bring those feelings out and give them light.” – Susan Copich

Diese Fotoserie entstand in den letzten 4 Jahren, der Fotografin (hier bei facebook) war wichtig, authentische Szenen aus dem Familienleben humorvoll zu porträtieren, was ihr wirklich eindrucksvoll gelungen ist. Not your average Familienfotos, so muss das:

“Inspired by a motherhood epiphany and the work of Cindy Sherman, photographer Susan Copich has spent the past four years creating a darkly comedic photo series called Domestic Bliss. In it, she turns the camera on herself and her family, portray a handful of family life scenes that she has meticulously crafted. A former dancer and actress, as well as a mother of two, Copich decided to begin this project after her life took an unexpected pivot. After living most of her life as a performer, then a number of years as that mother with a camera, snapping up endless photos of her children, Copich realized that she was missing from almost every family photograph.”

family-photography-susan-colpich_02Witching Hour

family-photography-susan-colpich_03Sugar Rush


family-photography-susan-colpich_05Mommy Time

family-photography-susan-colpich_06Bath Time

family-photography-susan-colpich_07Spare The Rod

family-photography-susan-colpich_08Old Habits

family-photography-susan-colpich_09Let Got

family-photography-susan-colpich_10Anger Management

family-photography-susan-colpich_11Spilt Milk

family-photography-susan-colpich_12Happy Days
[via petapixel]


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