“Descent” – Künstler Bruce Mackley fertigt imposante Artworks aus Schrauben

Das sich aus handelsüblichen Spax-Schrauben aus dem Baumarkt, durchaus auch wahnsinnig geniale Artworks fabrizieren lassen, zeigte uns Künstler Andrew Myers aus Laguna Beach/Cali in den letzten Jahren bereits mehrfach (Features). Auch der Künstler Bruce Mackley hat kürzlich Schrauben zum perfekten Ausdruck seiner Kunst entdeckt. Mit der Fertigung seines Werks “Descent” verbrachte der gute Mann hunderte von Stunden, um etwa 20.000 Schrauben und Farbe in perfekten Einklang zu bringen. Das Ergebnis ist eine imposante Mischung aus Gemälde und Skulptur in chaotischer Harmonie. Er selbst sagt zur Arbeit an seiner aktuellen Screw-Art: “This medium can be tedious and challenging, but it offers a fantastic level of undoing and redoing.” Und so sieht das Ganze aus, ziemlich wahnsinning:

Half painting, half sculpture, a study of balance, chaos and harmony. This is Descent, artist Bruce Mackley’s stunning piece, an industrial mosaic of over 20,000 decking and framing screws set meticulously into painted pine board at varying depths. He says that he spent hundreds of hours painstakingly working on the piece, adjusting and readjusting screws to get the desired effect. Patience and focus are required for this kind of 3D art! Weighing over 350lb and standing seven feet tall, the mosaic is a challenge to transport. Mackley was forced to fabricate a special custom trolley just to move her. This is the second such piece he has created, the first was entered in a Midwestern art fair last year, where he found it appealed to new and unexpected demographics. “My favorite part of the whole thing was some of the couples where the guy was just tagging along, probably wishing he were out golfing instead. They’d walk up, discover what it was made from… then, bang… they could identify with the art. It really affected some guys in the trades. Super cool.”

[via Bored Panda]


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