ON THE CELEBRITY SCRAP HEAP – Artist Uses Stars‘ Own Trash And Junk to Create Their Portraits – Pictured here, Chelsea Handler

50476, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA – Tuesday January 25, 2011. **FULL COPY BY PAUL ANDREWS AVAILABLE. PLEASE CALL YOUR LOCAL PACIFIC COAST NEWS OFFICE** ON THE CELEBRITY SCRAP HEAP – ARTIST USES STARS‘ OWN TRASH AND JUNK TO CREATE THEIR PORTRAITS: An artist has collected trash from leading celebrities including Chelsea Handler and used them to create these stunning portraits of them. Talented Jason Mecier uses piles of rubbish and discarded items donated by top stars to create colorful and life like 3D mosaics. Pictured here, his portrait of Chelsea Handler. Words by Paul Andrews, PacificCoastNews.com Photograph: © Jason Mecier, Supplied by PacificCoastNews.com **FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE** **E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES** UK OFFICE:+44 131 557 7760/7761 US OFFICE:1 310 261 9676


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