“Bull Shark” – A Great Mural by Street Artist ROA in the Skate Bowl “La Perla” in San Juan // Puerto Rico


Sein vermutlich letztes Piece des Jahres beschert uns der belgische Street Artist ROA. Der aus Gent stammende und von uns bekanntlich hart gefeierte Graffiti Artist, der unter anderem erst kürzlich mit seinem “The Otter”-Mural dazu bei trug, dem beschaulichen Fort Smith in Arkansas im Rahmen des „The Unexpected“ Street Art Festivals ein ordentliches, optisches Upgrade zu verpassen, hat in Puerto Rico ein neues Piece hinterlassen. In La Perla/San Juan ziert seit Neustem ROA’s “Bull Shark”, welchen der Künstler innerhalb weniger Stunden erschuf, einen Skate-Bowl direkt am Meer. Hier unten gibt’s einige Aufnahmen davon zu bestaunen. Just have a look + Enjoy:

As a wrap up of his productive residency in Puerto Rico with JUSTKIDS, ROA dropped one last piece at the iconic bowl of La Perla. La Perla is a historical community astride the northern historic city wall of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, stretching about 650 yards along the rocky Atlantic coast. It took ROA just a few hours to create this impressive mural which raise the shark finning issue with this large shark and his sliced fins. Shark finning is the practice of slicing off the shark’s fins while the shark is still alive and throwing the rest of its body back into the ocean where it can take days to die what must be an agonising death. Some sharks starve to death, others are slowly eaten by other fish, and some drown, because sharks need to keep moving to force water through their gills for oxygen.






[via SAN]


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