“WEB 0.0” – In a Small Italian Village, the Internet is a partially Unknown World


Civitacampomarano ist eine kleine Gemeinde in der italienischen Region Molise und der Provinz Campobasso. Knapp 400 Einwohner, überwiegend betagteren Alters zählt das Dörfchen. Die Erreichbarkeit via Mobilfunknetz vor Ort gestaltet sich in der Regel eher schwierig, Datenverbindungen zum Internet sind quasi nicht existent. Der italienische Künstler Biancoshock aus Mailand besuchte die kleine Gemeinde kürzlich und kreierte vor Ort sein Projekt “WEB 0.0”. Wie genau facebook, whatsapp, wikipedia, youtube, Gmail, weTransfer oder Tinder in Civitacampomarano so aussehen, erfahrt Ihr direkt hier unten. Just have a look + Enjoy:

Civitacampomarano is a small village in the province of Campobasso with just 400 souls, mainly elderly. In this village, rich in folk traditions, Internet is a partially unknown world: mobile phones have difficulty working and the data connection is practically nonexistent. The provocative idea is to show that these virtual functions, considered by the vast majority of the population as necessary and essential to everyday life, also exist in the country, where the connection is hard to reach: this is a sort of Internet “in real life” able to demonstrate that in traditions and popular culture these instruments, in other ways, have always existed and have allowed people and families to have cultural exchanges, meeting at the bar and living the town’s streets.











[via DYT]


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